Random Sampling Within Groups using SQL

1 minute read

Here’s just a quick SQL tip I came across today while working on a sample dataset for a take-home exercise.

The challenge was: how do I randomly select some N number of rows from a large dataset within a group. In my case, I want a random sample of 1,000 customers by sign up year.

Turns out, you can do that using our friend the analytical function aka window function in SQL. I’ve written more about these handy functions here and here.

Assuming I have a dataset consisting of user_id and signup_date with signup dates ranging from 2017-01-01 to 2018-07-20:

| user_id                          | signup_date |
| ed4f25103c7f6d9c41e14c047d2ff930 | 2017-02-04  |
| 7751a2c62c91383aec0e9be07457b5b0 | 2017-03-19  |
| eb63c09470b6d1564fe77132499f921e | 2017-07-11  |
| 84239f8c064ae3dfd7e61c139dbde6d5 | 2017-04-25  |
| 3a7b7ce201ebbe36d6599c0b9f859bad | 2017-04-18  |
| abfb263db894248709e224fb9a683a61 | 2017-09-24  |
| b74f62527bce6c1bfaf93d6104506b05 | 2017-04-09  |
| 3bf1bb77cc78d921ace25cb16cc37a54 | 2017-07-27  |
| 4b72f06bbef45f45494c4214d2cebd9c | 2017-04-10  |
| 6d0c208da45034fe6a0a2a2db04f117a | 2017-08-21  |

Let’s say we want to pick out 5 random rows by signup year (or month, week, whatever), we will need to:

  • Create a random row number for each user_id that resets for each of my periods or groups. We do that by ordering the row_number() function using the random() function. Note: random() can be parameterized with a seed but it looks to me that because of the parallel nature of data warehouse platforms like Snowflake and Redshift, this only leads to repeatable results if your code is only executed on one node (like the leader node).
  • Select N of those rows filtering on our new random row number.

For example:

with randomly_sorted_users as (

        row_number() over(partition by date_trunc('year', signup_date)
                            order by random()) as random_sort

    random_sort <= 5

This will yield 10 rows in total, 5 chosen randomly by signup year:

| #  | user_id                          | signup_date |
| 1  | e58975cdb6f4b052389b199f623319dd | 2017-10-15  |
| 2  | c7253ee384f5be436fef0b900c9e5125 | 2017-05-03  |
| 3  | 1400ffe327b1b15130fe85535eee58ba | 2017-03-05  |
| 4  | 1079a421f9a59e1716082424310f6dc0 | 2017-12-15  |
| 5  | f4fed873df3786d04cdef1ccce59eb36 | 2017-02-21  |
| 6  | db3a60a5d55fc8a4aa20f5d8a2f276af | 2018-01-25  |
| 7  | 9e991194118d3e4db471106358825685 | 2018-04-11  |
| 8  | 008a3b0f05c601ea39f0e893d4e11043 | 2018-02-09  |
| 9  | 7e40c4cce72ae34ca0e6e4e39efdb514 | 2018-03-04  |
| 10 | 1b9d2c64344629aebf2349d328e76aae | 2018-06-30  |

